Grooming a yorkshire puppy
This practice usually begin at ten weeks and should be repited twice a week at this stage.
Initially you will require just a dog comb for the grooming, with both coarse and fine teeth is ideal
and readily available at all pet shops. With a puppy it's necessary to pay special attention to its
chest, legs and its underside as it is these areas where the hair tends to tangle in dogs of this age.
While combing de puppy, lay it on its back on your lap so that it is facing you.
Puppies are not particularly fond of this position and so may need some gentle persuasion at first.
You will find this a good time to check the puppy's nails and the pads of its feet.
At this position you can now search for and see any tangles or mats on the underside.
Having found a mat in the coat, begin to remove it using your fingertips and gently
teasing until it starts to break down. Once you have broken into the mat, use your comb
to gently comb away the remaining pieces. Continue this process until all the mats have
been removed.
When your puppy is clear of mats, stand it on a table keeping a firm hand on it always
as a fall would severely injure such a young dog. With your puppy standing or sitting on
the table, turn it so it is facing you and begin gently to comb him. You should comb the
face, chin, throat and under the eyes while it is in this position. Remember to keep a
hand on your puppy and do not, in any circumstances, walk away and leave it unattended
because it may decide to follow you.
You should now turn it, so that it has its back to you. With one hand support your dog
from the underneath and use your other hand gently to comb the sides and back. First
you should use the coarse teeth on the comb then the finer section to finish off, always
combing in a downwards direction. Now it is a good time to check that the anus is clean
and free of any dry matter that may have accumulated.
It is very important that this is checked regularly and cleared away as any slight
blockage could get worse and forces the puppy to strain when trying to empty his
bowels, so causing disconfort and possible internal injury.
Dry matter found around the anus must therefore be removed by bathing or gently combing out.
As a puppy's coat grows, more time and effort will be required in its grooming.
Besides its hair getting longer, the puppy will become more active and hence more likely to tangle
and matt its coat. Because of this, it's necessary increase de frequency of the grooming sessions
to three times a week or even to every day if required. The earlier a matt or tangle is tackled
the easier it will be to remove. With the longer and thicker coat of the older puppy, it may be
necessary to give the dog's coat a good brushing with a firm bristle brush prior to combing
in the regular way.
Bathing a puppy can be a most enjoyable and a not too difficult experience. Just remember not to let
the puppy lick the shampoo as this could give him an upset stomach, and subsequently diarrhoea, and
also take care not to get shampoo in the puppy's eyes as this can sting and cause stress.
Place de puppy on the draining board, sink or shower base and using lukewarm water soak the puppy's
coat gently. Then, with a small amount of shampoo in one hand, and holding the puppy with the other,
work the shampoo over the puppy's body, using the tips of your fingers to massage it into the skin.
The shampoo should then be rinsed off with warm water and the whole process of shampooing and rinsing
should be repeated. At this stage the coat should be conditioned, using a small amount of conditioner.
This must then be rinsed off very carefully as any shampoo or conditioner left on the puppy's coat
will not only make the coat look greasy and possibly scruffy, but will also irritate the skin.
Next, the puppy should be dried. Start by towel-drying him and then, with the use of a hair-drier
and brush, gently dry his coat until it is completely dry. Remember this is a new experience for a puppy
so hold it very firmly, but be very patient and do not be too rough. You will find that if the puppy is
bathed regularly it will soon accept being bathed, although it may not like it.
Puppy of 4 month just finished the grooming